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Eastern Garter Snake

Virginia State Snake

Eastern garter snake reptile symbol of Massachusetts and Virginia. Photo by Neil DeMaster / Flickr (use permitted with attribution/no derivative works).

Official State Snake; Reptile Symbol of Virginia

The Virginia Senate designated the eastern garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) as the official state snake in February 2016 (also the reptile symbol of Massachusetts). All State Reptiles

It was 11-year-old Aiden Coleman who championed the garter snake as a symbol of Virginia. Aiden sought support from his state representative (Del. Brenda Pogge, R-James City County, who became HB335's patron) and helped to make his case to lawmakers in Richmond.

An argument was made for the timber rattlesnake, but during the debate, senators made hissing and rattling sounds, and in the end, the garter snake won by a landslide 33-6 vote.

Code of Virginia: CHAPTER 278, § 1-510; State Snake

The garter snake is one of the most common snakes to have as a pet. Learn 3 Ways To Feed A Pet Snake.